
< Geri Dön


Water Treatment

As Arpon, we provide clean water applications with a wide range of products in its field. For those who seek independent solutions for process water production, drinking water treatment, sea water treatment, pure water production and disinfection work and water treatment, Arpon offers high quality products and application expertise with its wide product range.

Every production process in clean water treatment facilities and industry requires water with different characteristics. From the source where the water is supplied, the need for treatment is determined according to the intended use. The treatment methods applied and the equipment that can be used are listed below.

Water Intake and Distribution Structures

Different pump types can be used in water intake structures according to the locations and structures of the facilities.

ZENIT products are problem solving for centrifugal submersible pump needs in raw water intake structure. LOWARA products can also be used as centrifugal pumps in raw water intake structures.

LOWARA offers cost effective, reliable and optimized solutions for both raw water transfer and water distribution. Its wide product portfolio consists of reliable reference products.

For water distribution, centrifugal pumps, booster group and frequency-smart system options can be used in the LOWARA product range. In this way, for water losses, the loss can be minimized, energy consumption reduced.

Aeration, Iron and Manganese Removal

Iron and manganese in water are oxidized by various oxidation methods. The most common methods used for this are the use of various oxidant by passing the oxygen in the air to the water with ventilation. While high pressure LOWARA products are used in cascade aerators for aeration, we also offer solutions with OBL dosing pumps for chemicals dosed for oxidation.

Coagulation and Flocculation

It is used especially in surface waters to remove turbidity and high suspended solids. Coagulants are dosed with OBL dosing pumps at the appropriate pH value in the rapid mixing tank. Thus, the colloidal substances formed are turned into settled flocs with the appropriate polymer dosage in the slow mixing tank, and subsequently settled in a clarifier.

Pre-treatment methods are followed by the filtration process.

Classical Filtration

Sand or multimedia filters are used to filter the suspended solids in the precipitatable form in the water and produce a clear water. It also helps to filter the iron in the water in the special filling. LOWARA centrifugal pumps or ZENIT submersible pumps are preferred as filter feeding pumps. Activated carbon filters, on the other hand, ensure that the activated carbon, which is dosed with VERDERFLEX type hose peristaltic pumps, is separated from the water by the reaction of free chlorine and organic active carbon that gives taste and smell to the water.

Membrane Filtration

Microfiltration allows bacteria and larger colloidal to drain. Ultrafiltration, on the other hand, performs filtration rather than microfiltration and ensures that bacteria, viruses, high-size proteins and organic matter are removed from the water. Disinfection of the water starts from the particle removal with ultrafiltration.